About Me and 


Site Owner & Publisher.

A 2 Star Manager.
A Registered Distributor & Independent Business Owner of Prife International.

And also, I am part of the Italy Country Stockist. (Click - Italy)

A BS Civil Engineering Graduate, a Builder, an I.T. Specialist, Sound Engineer, an Entrepreneur, a Cryptopreneur, a Solopreneur, a Rotarian, a Husband, Father of 3.
I love Fishing, love Flying and Cooking.

iTeracareForPainFreeLife.com, this website is for you!
And thank you for surfing by . . .

I hope that the educational researched information presented in this site helps you, your loved ones & friends understand the amazing breakthrough in health & technology, all about Frequency & Energy Medicine, indeed a phenomenon and a revolutionary device - that will practically change the world.

Thank you and God Bless!
- Edsel

Click if you want to “Message Me or Contact Me”.
Click if you want to Order Your iTeraCare Blower NOW!

Prife International's 1st Anniversary in Malaysia.
During the recognition night we were presented with a
1 Star Pin & the Certificate of Recognition.

1Star Recognition
Joy Jesse Malaysia13Receiving the 1Star Recognition Certification, Joy & Ms. Jesse M.
Edsel 1Star12
NoorRashid Malaysia8With Prife Chairman A.C. Goh & Crown Ambassador Ms. Gloria Cuaresma in Prife Office Malaysia
GloBenjie Malaysia1At the Convention Hall in Malaysia, w/ Crown Ambassador Couple Benjie & Glo Cuaresma in the background.
NoorRahis Malaysia9With Sapphire Director/Upline Mr. NoorRashi & Future Star Leader Ms. Myrna P. Bobadilla
Malaysia Trip1With us is Future Star Ms. Myrna P. Bobadilla & the 3,000 delegates.
BODs-EdselJoyThe BODs, Pres. Dr. Steven Lai, VPres. Dr. Jimmy Chong, Chairman A.C. Goh & Crown Ambassador Glo Cuaresma
AteGlo PrifeOfficeWith us is Crown Ambassador AteGlo Cuaresma
James Ong1With me is 3Star Manager Dr. James Ong
3-1StarAll of 3 of us are 1Star Managers
Dr Steven lai1Me & my wife Joy with Dr. Steven Lai, Group President of Prife International & Sapphire Director/Upline NoorRashid Musa.
Benjie DominicWith our son, Engr. Dominic Dominado & our friend Crown Ambassador Benjie Cuaresma
AteGlo Edsel14Our coach, leader, upline, friend & Crown Ambassador AteGlo Cuaresma
Justine EdselJoy15With our youngest daughter Film Maker Justine Dominado

Prife Philippines Launching, February 25, 2023 

Prife Phil LaunchingDuring our Prife Philippines Launching, Feb. 25, 2023

Important Events . . .

Construction & Design . . .

At the Construction Site:

Sound Mixing . . .

As a Sound Engineer (Sound Mixing)

Flying, Fishing & Cooking . . .

Flying a Model RC Helicopter . . .
Cooking & Baking with my wife Joy . . .
Flying a Fighter Kite at the Beach . . .
Fish & Lobster Fishing with my wife Joy & son Dominic . . .

My Enterprising Family

My beautiful wife Joy, My son Engr. Dominic, My daughter Fashion Designer Myka, My youngest daughter Film Maker Justine
In Choshi City, Japan 2018

Disclaimer Front WebPage

Medical Disclaimer, Click Here.