Prife International iTeraCare Quantum Scalar Interview with
Dr. James Ong and John Scevola

For members who wanted scientific papers / explanation, clinical trials, data & results on Terahertz benefits, typically on the 3-in-1 Terahertz Blower Devices, below are one of the collections of some of the sharing by fellow Doctors with their sharing posted on the Social Media.

John Scevola

Prife International iTeraCare Quantum Scalar Interview with
Dr. James Ong and John Scevola

Take a Quantum Leap with iTeraCare Quantum Scalar Energy Technology. Learn how iTeraCare Quantum Scalar Energy Technology works, its bioenergetic benefits, and how to maximize Scalar Energy interaction to create a greater Quality of Life for yourself and others. Learn how to instantly access the Quantum "InnerNet," the Mother of All Super Information Highways!

The Quantum Scalar Energy Field is also called other names: Unifying Field, Zero Point Energy Field, Source Field, Morphogenetic Field, Information Field, and The Force (An energy field that connects everything in the Universe).

Scalar waves can carry out lossless transmission of energy over and do not decay over time or distance. Also, they are able to convey vibrational information. This information can be from a healing substance (i.e. crystals, gemstones, essential oils, homeopathic remedies, supplements, etc.). Additionally, scalar waves can also pass through solid metal objects with no loss of power, transport energy without the need of wires, and travel faster than the speed of light.

"Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else." —Leonardo Da Vinci “

In a few decades scientists went from a conviction that there is no such thing as an energy field around the human body to a certainty that such fields exist and are medically important. Now doctors are making treatment decisions on the basis of these biofield measurements. “ —James Oschman, PhD

“Body chemistry is governed by quantum cellular fields.” —Murray Gell-Mann, Physicist and Nobel Laureate

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics. “ —Albert Einstein, Theoretical Physicist

John Scevola - Independent International iTeraCare Distributor
1-971-401-6671 (Oregon, USA PST)

40 years research and practice of Quantum Scalar Energy and Frequency Medicine Therapy Modalities Wife is a homeopathic doctor and practitioner of Applied Kinesiology ( 30 years successful Network Marketing/Sharing leadership experience 15 years president of Internet Marketing Consultant Company (SEO Expert) Author of 3 Wealth Manifestation books available at

China, Japan, and the US have proclaimed Terahertz (THz) as, "One of the Top 10 Technologies that will change the world!"

Scientists from around the world have called Terahertz "The Wave of Life," "The Light of Life," and "God's Waveband."

—In 2004, the US government rated Terahertz Technology as one of the "Ten Technologies" that will change the world of the future.
—In 2005, Japan listed Terahertz Technology as the first of the "Ten Key Strategic Objectives of the National Pillars," and the nation is aggressively engaged in research and development.
—In 2005, China listed Terahertz Technology as one of the "Ten Key Strategic Goals of Nation."
—In 2014, China held the "Xiangshan Science and Technology Conference" to formulate a plan for accelerating research of the application of Terahertz Technology in biomedicine.

Terahertz is an electromagnetic wave band between microwave and infared. The unique iTeraCare Terahertz Therapy Device resonates the same frequency as normal human cells, which is 2 to 17 THz, generating MILLIONS of therapeutic entraining vibrations per second into your cells and your body.

iTeraCare Terahertz waves are non-ionizing and non-invasive. Due to its low energy characteristics, terahertz radiation is harmless to humans and animals. It can penetrate many materials (i.e. cardboard, ceramics, clothing, masonry, paper, plastic, and wood). including your skin, between 20 to 30 cm, thus reaching and helping to optimize your bone marrow, micro blood vessels, and capillaries

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